
1. Present Position

Professor & Head, Department of Pathology, 

College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, GBPUA&T, Pantnagar (Uttarakhand)

2. Administrative/ Professional Experiences

A. Positions Held: Professional experience of more than 38 years as Graduate Research Assistant/ Teaching Associate/ Assistant Professor/ Assistant Disease Investigation Officer; Associate Professor, Pathology; National Fellow/ Professor, Pathology; Joint Director (CADRAD), Director (Actg.) IVRI; Director Institute of Biotechnology.

  1. Director, Institute of Biotechnology, Patwadangar, Nainital (Uttarakhand) India (24.09.2009 to 13-10-2013)

  2.  Professor, Department of Pathology, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, GBPUA&T, Pantnagar (20.04.2009 – 23.09.2009)

  3. Director (Actg.), Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar (17.02.2009 to 19.04.2009)

  4. Joint Director, CADRAD, IVRI, Izatnagar; and Nodal Officer, Central Disease Diagnostic Laboratory (GOI) (20.04.2004 to 19.04.2009)

  5. National Fellow (Professor chair of ICAR) (April 1999  to April 2004)

  6. Associate Professor, Pathology (Feb 1996 to April 1999)

  7. Assistant Professor/ ADIO (1983 to 1996) 

B. Nature of Duties/ Other Experiences

  1. Management of Research, Teaching of graduate, post graduate and doctoral students.

  2. Research area: Immunopathology, Immunodiagnosis, Immunomodulation, Zoonosis, Cowpathy (Panchgavya Ayurveda), Investigations of Diseases in Animals.

  3. Officer Incharge, Clinical Pathology Laboratory (1997-1999).

  4. Officer Incharge, Stores (1992- 1995).

  5. Officer Incharge, Central Disease Investigation Laboratory, Hisar (1986- 88).

  6. Officer Incharge ADIO, Camel Disease Investigation Lab (1983-1996)

  7. Teaching Associate, (2nd  March – 9th May, 1983)

  8. Graduate Research Assistant (1981 – 1982)  

C. Chairmanship/ Membership in National and International Level Committees

  1. Chairman , Teaching coordination committee (TCC) B V Sc & A H 2nd year programme ( July 2020-

  2. Chairman, Guidelines and pattern of examination committee

  3. Chairman, International e-conference on “ Immunology in 21st century for improvising one health ”  organised by Society for Immunology and Immunopathology, DADF and SVPUAT Meerut,  on 7-8th August 2020.

  4. Chairman, National Webinar on “ Wild life and human health conflict: A long journey ahead”  organised by SVPUAT Meerut and Society for Immunology and Immunopathology on 16th August 2020.

  5. Chairman, CPCSEA  sub – committee on “ Sub-committee for framing the guide lines for birds/poultry

  6. Member, CPCSEA  sub – committee on “ Sub-committee for framing the guide lines for reuse and rehabilitation of large animals.

  7. Member, CPCSEA  sub – committee on “ Scrutiny of research protocols on large animals

  8. Member/ Contributor in Draft committee for Technical Report on Smart Village & Agriculture,    Department of Telecommunications, Govt of India.

  9. Member, CPCSEA (Govt of India)

  10. Member, Animal Welfare Board of India (2017- 2020 )

  11. Member and Temporary Advisor, WHO/ IPCS Committee on Environmental Health Criteria, WHO, Geneva (2002-05).

  12. Member, Hindi Advisory Committee, Ministry of Science and Technology (Govt. of India), New Delhi (2002-04).

  13. Chairman, IAVP Committee on Revision of Veterinary Pathology courses (2005-07).

  14. Member, Central Management Committee, AIIMS, New Delhi (2002-07).

  15. Chairman, Cow Therapy Research Group, Pantnagar (2003-04).

  16. Chairman, Assessment Committee for Technical Group in IVRI by ASRB (2002-03).

  17. Chairman, National Coordination Committee on Cowpathy Research

  18. Chairman International Symposium on “Quality Assurance in Pathology and Disease Diagnosis”.

D. Chairmanship/ Membership in Institute Level Committees

  1. Being senior most Joint Director at IVRI, Izatnagar have been delegated powers for purchase of stores under plan/ non-plan head and entrusted full powers in the absence of Director.

  2. Coordinator, Human Hospital, IVRI, Izatnagar: Developed hospital as one of the best hospital in ICAR system. 

  3. Chairman, Committee to finalize rate contract for supply of animals to the Indian Veterinary Research Institute.

  4. Chairman, Standing Committee on Inter-disciplinary Facilities & Instructions, IVRI Deemed University. 

  5. Chairman, Committee to finalize the contract for binding of Journals and other Publications of NLVS.

  6. Chairman, Technical Selection Committee in respect of procurement of Laboratory Equipment and other items.

  7. Chairman, Committee to decide guidelines for implementation at Institute C&B Farm suffering from various reproductive disorders including Brucellosis.

  8. Chairman, Hindi Essay Competition.

  9. Chairman, Committee for preparing Constitution of Officer’s Staff Club of IVRI.

  10. Chairman, Interview Board for admission of candidates for Doctoral Programmes in IVRI Deemed University.

  11. Chairman, Interview Committee for studentship and Traineeship Programme in Bioinformatics at National Library of Veterinary Science.

  12. Chairman, Kisan Gosthi and Farmers Mobilization Committee.

  13. Chairman, Committee to review/screen the NAIP Research Projects.

  14. Chairman, Fact Finding Inquiry Committee in respect of the grievances of a Principal Scientist of the Institute. 

  15. Chairman, Committee for creation of GMP/ GLP compliant R&D block for immunodiagnostics and immunoprophylactics. 

  16. Chairman, Committee to decide the essential repair of institute vehicles.

  17. Chairman, Committee to provide photocopy facility in library on contract basis.

  18. Chairman, Committee comprising the Scientists/ Officer for reviewing the working of virus laboratory of veterinary biotechnology division and suggest recommendations for effective functioning of the laboratory. 

  19. Chairman, Committee to refixing the sanctioned strength of supporting staff Division/ Section wise of Izatnagar Campus. 

  20. Chairman, Committee to provide security services on contract basis.

  21. Chairman, Committee for renovation of CADRAD Lab, who will check and approve the samples of items/ machinery/ equipment for fixing in laboratory. The committee will also monitor the work. 

  22. Chairman, Committee to decide the location/ site for the installation of 20 kg/hr incinerator.

  23. Chairman, Committee for exploring proper utilization of experimental abattoir carcass Utilization Plant and Cold Storage facilities of LPT Division

  24. Chairman, To investigate the dispute between Dr. B. Singh and a private security guard

  25. Chairman, Committee reg. recognition of private hospitals for Institute’s employee.

  26. Chairman, Committee to decide about modus operandi of former Division of Avian Diseases

  27. Chairman, Committee for purchase of furniture required for Central Auditorium of Adm. Block.

  28. Chairman, Committee to review the activities of each Divisions/Sections and to decide the number of staff in each categories.

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  30. Chairman, To study the case of payment made to the Contractor of ATIC building

  31. Chairman, Committee to unlock the almirahs kept in the office of CAO (Admn.)

  32. Chairman, Committee to suggest remedial measures for improvement of security arrangements at the main gate of IVRI.

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  34. Chairman, Tender Opening and Finalizing Committee for purchase of wheat bhoosa.

  35. Chairman of the Committee constituted to conduct regular health check up of dairy animals maintained in LPM.

  36. Chairman of the Committee constituted to dispose of the positive disease animals available at C&B Farm.

  37. Chairman, of the Committee constituted for Institute Welfare Fund Management Committee.

  38. Co-chairman, Committee for organization of National Seminar on “Entrepreneurship Development for Livelihood Security: Experiences, Prospects and Strategies for Rural India.

  39. Co-Chairman, Organizing Committee constituted for organization of National Workshop-cum-Training Programme on Bio-informatics held at IVRI on 26-28 August, 2008.

  40. Patron, Organizing Committee of Workshop on “i'kqikyu ,oa i'kqfpfdRlk foKku

  41. laj{kd] fgUnh i[kokM+k lfefr-

  42. Organizer, visit of the Team of Heavy Water Board, Department of  Atomic Energy, Govt. of India and their discussion with Heads of Divisions and Joint Directors regarding Development of Collaborative Research Projects.

  43. Member, Rajbhasha Hindi Committee.

  44. Member, Committee to purchase diagnostic kits for IBR, Brucellosis and Campylobacter culture.

  45. Member, Committee to revise maintenance charges of IVRI Stadium(s).

  46. Member, Organizing Committee, Kisan Mela.

  47. Member, Institute Biosafety Committee.

  48. Member, Core Committee, 29th Annual Congress of Indian Society for Veterinary Surgery and National Symposium on ‘Alternative Teaching and Research Methods to Animal Experimentation in Veterinary Surgery’.

  49. Member, Committee to examine the recommendations pertaining to Animal & Veterinary Science in the Second Report of the National Commission on Farmers under the chairmanship of Prof. M.S. Swaminathan.

  50. Member, Board of Management of IVRI.

  51. Member, Executive Council of IVRI.

  52. Member, Organizing Committee of 116th Annual Day Celebrations of IVRI.

  53. Member, Committee to formulate Guidelines/ Modalities for IVRI Publications and News materials for Press and Media.

  54. Member, Committee to decide the terms and conditions for work contract at LPM (C&B).

  55. Special Invitee, 37th meeting of Board of Management of IVRI.

  56. Special Invitee, Extension Council of IVRI.

  57. Invitee Member, Research Advisory Committee of the Institute.