Establishment/ Renovation of Laboratories/ Centres
Established and developed Immunotoxicology Laboratory, CCS HAU, Hisar.
Established and developed Clinical Pathology Laboratory, College of Veterinary Sciences for Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosis Course of BVSc & AH students under VCI system.
Established and developed Immunopathology Laboratory in Department of Pathology, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, GBPUAT, Pantnagar.
Created JD’s Laboratory in CADRAD for “Networking and Disease Control” with RDDLs and state laboratories.
Developed ELISA, HPTLC, Telepathology/ Telediagnosis Facilities in CDDL/ CADRAD, IVRI, Izatnagar.
Created website of CADRAD “” for facilitating networking among diagnostic labs in country.
Got certified CADRAD as ISO 9001: 2000 certified labs first in country
Renovated CADRAD laboratories as per the norms of ISO 17025 and Good Laboratory Practices.
Developed Laboratory Manuals/ SOP’s for maintaining uniform diagnostic methods in country.
Regularly publishing Quarterly CDDL/ RDDLs Newsletter and CDDL Annual Report.
Established Bioprospecting Laboratory at Institute of Biotechnology Patwadangar Nainital (12.05.2010)
Renovated Immunopathology Laboratory and established Clinical Pathology Laboratory.